Decentralized Social on Polkadot (2) : ComingChat, Relation, Litentry, PNS and Cogency

6 min readNov 25, 2022


Last week , in our last article, We introduced the drawbacks of centralized social media, the vision of decentralized social media, and 3 decentralized social-related projects in the Dotsama ecosystem — Project Liberty, Subsocial, and Sumi.

In this issue, we will continue to take a look at five decentralized social projects in the Polkadot ecosystem: ComingChat, a Web3 portal with multiple SocialFi modules; Relation, a decentralized social graph; PNS and Litentry, decentralized identities; and Cogency, a media consortium that is moving more Web2 media to Web3.


ComingChat is a Web3 portal application based on SocialFi, and has DeFi and GameFi features. The social part includes CID as an account system, a full chain wallet as a payment tool, and social features such as encrypted communication.

ComingChat CID and wallet support multiple assets of the Dotsama ecosystem, and ComingChat’s underlying chain, OmniBTC, was created based on Substrate, with plans to bid on the Polkadot parachain.

Decentralized Identity CID

A CID is short for ComingChat ID, a verifiable identity in Web 3.0. A CID consists of 1 to 12 digits and is easy to read and remember compared to normal blockchain long addresses. a CID is decentralized, requires no permission to create, and does not reveal any personal information.

The CID can be used as a chat account and as a token receiving account, allowing direct transfers to friends in the chat interface.

The CID also serves as login credentials, with each CID account associated with at least one pair of public and private keys, and other dApps can sign the login operation with the private key associated with the CID. the CID also aggregates the past behavior of the user’s address across multiple ecosystems to assess the user’s full-chain reputation.

All-chain Wallet

ComingChat all-chain wallet supports multiple ecosystems, such as EVM chains like Ethereum, BSC, Polygon, etc.; BTC-like chains like BTC, Dogecoin, etc.; Substrate chains like Polkadot, Kusama, ChainX, etc.; Move chains like Aptos/Sui, etc.; and Cosmos and Solana ecosystems.

For BTC/Dogecoin, ComingChat has also launched Taproot threshold wallet, which is more secure than the general multi-signature wallet.

Social Module

ComingChat provides secure and encrypted instant messaging. There are private chats, encrypted group chats and non-encrypted group chats, where both private and encrypted group chats use the Signal encrypted communication protocol, and no third party, including the server, can view the content of the communication.

Users can send Web3 red packets to group members in ComingChat group chats, and support issuing and receiving full chain token, and no gas fee is required to receive red packets.

Users can also create NFT DAO in ComingChat, and multiple people will team up to buy NFT, and members will get the corresponding NFT pieces in proportion to their contribution.


Relation is a decentralized social graph, with a social graph database deployed in Substrate Pallet, supporting on-chain identity binding on PoC, Ether, BSC, and Dfinity.

A social graph is a map that indicates the relationship between people and things, reflecting the people users know and connect with through various means, and the things they follow and track, a map that connects people to different things. In Web2, a few social media giants monopolized the social graph of users and liquidated it through advertising. The decentralized social graph, on the other hand, is dedicated to putting users in control of their own social graph data.

Relation One, the social application product of Relation, manages personal profile and personal social relationship data, gets friend matching, interest recommendation, and automatically joins the on-chain NFT Club.

When users add multi-chain addresses on Relation One through MetaMask, Polkadot wallet, etc., they will quickly locate their unique Web3 personality tags, and the system will precisely match users with on-chain friends and enthusiasts with the same interests to form a visual Web3 social graph centered on individuals and build a Web3 network of friends.

Users can also use Relation One for social functions such as profile management, on-chain identity management, P2P chat, group chat, DAO, NFT avatar display, friend invitation and private domain game leaderboard.

Polkadot Name Service

Polkadot Name Service (PNS) is the Polkadot Eco Domain Name Service, a decentralized identity (DID) infrastructure.

Addresses in the blockchain consist of multiple random combinations of characters that literally don’t mean anything. PNS provides generic domain names with “.dot” suffixes to replace long addresses that are hard to read and remember, thus creating a unique digital identity for Web3 users and enhancing the interactive experience in social, gaming, DAO, governance, and more.

For example, when using a dApp, you can use a more readable and memorable PNS domain name instead of a long address for interaction. You can also display your Web3 business card, which contains your activities in and under the multi-chain ecosystem, so that others can know who you are and what you have done.

PNS can also aggregate multi-chain identities, presenting fragmented on-chain identities in one place, and can integrate on-chain and off-chain information, linking Web2 and Web3.


Litentry is a decentralized cross-chain identity aggregation protocol for the PoC ecosystem and one of the PoC parallel chains.

Litentry supports linking user identities across multiple networks, allowing users to manage their identities through the security tools it provides, and Dapp to access real-time DID data of identity owners across different blockchains. litentry will also build a reputation computing infrastructure that aggregates data from multiple data platforms to calculate credit scores based on custom weighting algorithms.

Litentry-based product IdentityHub can provide automated blockchain and social media account authentication, allowing users to connect their Web2 and Web3 accounts and wallet addresses and manage them in the same place.


Cogency aims to explore the use of Web3 technology to help media organizations and content producers build trust and create new revenue streams. congency is funded by the Web3 Foundation. For the future of media, decentralization, interoperability and openness will allow third parties to more easily integrate themselves into the evolving metaverse, which will allow more companies to access and create new business models.

Cogency unites a wide and diverse range of publishers, technologists and content creators, from local newspapers to international news, current affairs and lifestyle brands. the Cogency consortium includes world-renowned media companies and organizations such as Reuters, Condé Nast (which owns brands such as Vogue and The New Yorker), and the World News Publishers Association (WAN-IFRA).


The decentralized social ecosystem in Polkadot has already taken shape, with applications ranging from decentralized social protocols and social graph protocols, to decentralized identities and other important components, to communication tools and social products.

After more parachains and applications go online one after another, through the cross-chain composability provided by XCM, social products can take full advantage of other projects in the ecosystem, such as decentralized storage, NFT, privacy, DeFi, etc., to quickly implement more novel applications.

About PolkaWorld

PolkaWorld is a Polkadot global community founded in 2019. We have gathered more than 40,000 Polkadot enthusiasts, and have always been committed to spreading Polkadot knowledge, training Substrate developers, and supporting Polkadot/Kusama ecosystem.

Twitter: @polkaworld_org.



