Ask Joe Anything about Kusama

7 min readNov 20, 2019


(Parity Research Analyst:Joe Petrowski)

Enjoy this conversation of Chinese Polkadot community PolkaWorld and joe, hope you can find something useful.

Q1:Can you share with us the latest progress of Kusama first?

We have made a lot of progress on Kusama over the last few weeks. In one week we pushed 10 updates.

With these, we got the validator set up to 100 active validators, improved block time consistency, and tine tuned client performance (memory footprint, CPU utilization).

We also enabled the Council and have a solid Council to take part in governance processes.

The last week has been quite stable, which may not be exciting, but helps give us confidence moving forward.

Q2: What is Kusama’s validators mechanism? Could you pls give us a brief introduction?

Validators are elected using Nominated Proof of Stake (NPoS) and an election algorithm based off of research by Phragmen.

The mechanism allows users to nominate up to 16 validators and the algorithm will automatically allocate stake in the optimal way.

What is optimal? First, it will try to maximize the amount at stake. Second, it will try to spread that stake as evenly as possible.

This ensures not only the greatest security for the network, but also the maximum return for the nominators because their nominations will apply to validators with less stake. Therefore, they will have a higher pro-rata share of the rewards.

Elections are conducted every era (approximately 24 hours, although right now we are changing era faster at a rate of about every 4 hours).

Q3: Will the NPoS mechanism lead to fewer and fewer people willing to be a validator?

Actually, NPoS should lead to more people willing to be a validator.

Because our rewards are based on points accumulated during an era, and not on the amount at stake, there is an incentive to create more validators when the slots open up.

Our goal is to get to 1000 validators, and already we have seen healthy growth with Kusama at 100 (plus 40 more who want to be validators).

We will keep opening up slots, but for now the priority is stabilization of consensus.

Q4:Does the average time stable at 6s means the consensus is good?

A stable block time is a good indication that the block production engine is working properly. We separate block production from finality in our modules, so average time is a good input to consensus.

Q5: Why do we need stake or get voted more than 40k KSM to become a validator and now they just need 10 KSM ?

When I checked this morning, the minimum was 3400 KSM. That said, we are in a very early stage and some of the slashing events caused validators to get kicked out for an era.

So there were eras when lower staked validators were able to get into the set just by being in the next up queue. Once GRANDPA is more stable, I expect this problem to go away.

We are actually trying to get the election done in an off-chain worker, which would not slow down the last block in an era.

Q6:The community heard that the current inflation is 10% , but the validators still gets the rewards according to the staking rate, and the extra additional issuance all goes into the Treasury. I want to know Why web3 additional issue so many KSM? What’s this for?

Web3 isn’t issuing anything. The network’s inflation is fixed at 10%. This is divided between NPoS rewards and the Treasury. NPoS rewards account for all of the 10% when it operates in an optimal configuration of validators.

Anyone is able to create a Treasury spending proposal, and the Kusama Council collectively decides on which proposals should be funded.

In general, those funds are to be used to help develop the Kusama network outside of the direct NPoS rewards, such as for wider network security (like future audits and penetration testing), creating incentives for adoption and community building, investing in infrastructure development, or supporting infrastructure maintenance costs.

Treasury proposals are always on chain and transparent!

Right now, Polkadot has the same design as Kusama :). But a similar Treasury and proposal system is planned.

Q7: Does the slashed KSM all in treasury before ? How will these slashed KSM work in treasury?

The KSM that was slashed before has all been refunded. In the future, about 90% of slashed funds will go to the Treasury.

Distribution of Treasury funds is always through Treasury proposals, so as said before, always transparent.

Q8:What about the remaining 10%?

It depends on the offense. If it is something reported, then some of that might go to the reporter (e.g. fisherman).

Other offenses don’t have reporters, because there is cryptographic proof, like equivocation. In this case, it would be burned.

Q9:When KSM can transfer?

We are still working out a few bugs that must be corrected before we enable transfers. I think we are getting close, but we must get it absolutely right. After we remove sudo and enable transfers, it will take longer to upgrade the network and fix bugs. So we are being patient and want to be confident that it is safe to do.

So are we, we all want to make this step!

Q10: Do you have any suggestions for the nominators?

Nominating will be more profitable if you nominate more validators. Phragmen’s algorithm will allocate your stake in the way that will get you the best return, and the more options that you give it, the better job it can do.

However, make sure you do your research into whom you are nominating, because nominators get slashed too when a validator misbehaves. You can change nominations quite quickly (every era), so if you are not happy with a validator then you can choose a new set.

Q11:Launch the transfer function have a direct bearing with fixing bugs?

Yes, we must correct some bug before opening transfers.

Q12:Do you have any plans to fix system errors now? It’s a long time to open the transfer. I’m willing to use my money to buy KSM to experience the main network function

Yes we are working constantly to identify the error. We are close and are developing a fix for it.

Q13:Now the staking rate with 100 validators is 27.1%. When and how the staking rate can reach 50%? Is need to add more validators or something?

Once we enable transfers, it will be easier for people to set up their stash and controller accounts and participate in staking. So that is one limiting factor. There is no need to add more validators, as each validator can simply have more at stake behind it. That said, it will not hurt to have more validator options for people to nominate. Perhaps this will make people more comfortable choosing one.

Q14:Some nodes have many KSM and can create many validators , but now the number of validators is limited, which can cause a little bit centralized. Is there any corresponding solution to this situation?

Yes, it is true that validators with large stake can have multiple validators running. But we do have protection.

We use superlinear slashing, meaning the more validators who commit an offense, the higher the slash. So if 20 validators are offline then the slash percent will be much higher than if only 3 validators are offline.

In this sense, if you have more validators, then you not only have a risk of more absolute funds being lost to slash, but a risk of losing a higher percentage.

Q15:The roadmap after enable transfer? Like parachain/slots/parathreads etc, all of those thing will test on Kusama before launch on Polkadot?

Yes, exactly. We have a local version of a parachain working and are continuing to develop cumulus to let people connect parachains.

We also hope to build a strong Kusama community and make people engaged through community initiatives like games and competitions

Q16:Will polkadot affect Kusama when it launch?

Polkadot launch will not be related to Kusama. We plan to continue supporting Kusama in addition to Polkadot.

Q17:so when web3 launch Polkadot😂

Around the New Year :)

Q18:Now we know hows Treasury working, whats the plan about the 30% hold by Web3?

I do not work for Web3 so I cannot answer officially. But the Web3 mission is to support the development of web3 technologies, and supporting infrastructure, supporting the network, and supporting the community and growth of Kusama/Polkadot seem in line with that.

Q19:Any news on parathread on Kusama? When can we use them?

I hope that one day you can use parathreads on Kusama. We are still working out a few details around ICMP, but they are very similar to parachains.

So I expect not long after we have parachains, we will also be able to have parathreads.

The main difference from the chain/thread side is that it needs a mechanism for bidding on the slot. The main difference on the relay chain side is that it needs to keep track of messages to deliver to the threads.

Q20:Any plan to support level-2 relay chain on Kusama?

Yes! But parachains and threads first :)

Q21:If I implement a parachain using a cuztomized encryption algorithm, will it still be able to communicate with other parachains?

It depends on what’s being encrypted :). If the messages are being encrypted, then the receiver will need to be able to decrypt it. But for Kusama/Polkadot, messages are completely arbitrary. It’s up to the receiver to know what to do with them.

Last question from joe:What would you like to see on Kusama? We want Kusama to be fun and different from any blockchain before.

So pls feel free to connect joe talk about Kusama or Ask joe Anything!


Twitter: joepetrowski

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Written by PolkaWorld

A global Polkadot/Kusama community

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